Terms and Conditions
This website, along with its content - which may be modified at any time - is subject to a disclaimer, a statement regarding the protection of private data, and a copyright and trademark notice. This site is not maintained formally; it serves solely to facilitate public access to information about Cantillana.
If you do not agree with the following provisions, we kindly ask you to refrain from further using this website.
Exclusion of liability
1. Terms of use of the Holcim website
The terms "Cantillana," "we," or "our" refer to Cantillana as a whole. This also applies when nothing indicates that Cantillana is designated, to the extent that nothing else is specified.
2. Warranty limitation
Cantillana makes every effort to offer only accurate and up-to-date information or internet links on its website. However, this information and internet links should only be understood as services rendered to please the reader. Although Cantillana believes that the information provided is correct, it may contain errors or inaccuracies. Therefore, Cantillana provides no warranty for this information.
This information is provided by Cantillana without any assurance or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. In particular, any liability for material or legal errors or defects, or for product and service unavailability, for non-compliance with market requirements, the needs of any application, legal provisions of any kind, or patents is excluded, or because the information on this site may not be accurate, complete, reliable, etc.
2. Liability
Cantillana disclaims all liability for the use of this website or any other website to which you may access through Cantillana's website. Specifically excluded is any liability for direct, indirect, or other damages that may result from accessing the Cantillana site, using or being unable to use it or a site through which you access it, or for any defect or omission relating to the site's content, such as viruses that may enter a computer or other connected installation, or for any loss of turnover or profit, as well as for any loss of data or interruption of the operation of any of your installations.
Cantillana reserves the right to modify this website at any time and without notice. However, it is not obliged to keep it up to date. As a user, you agree that accessing this website, as well as using it and its content, is at your own risk; this also applies to the websites referred to on this website.
3. Linking to third-party websites
Holcim does not endorse the content of websites operated by third parties that are linked to this website or through which you accessed it and assumes no responsibility for the content of these sites. Cantillana provides no warranty for such sites and excludes all liability on its part for the use of third-party sites and the information they contain.
4. Neither offer nor solicitation for investments
The information provided on this website should not be used by investors as a basis for their purchase or sale decisions, as it does not constitute an offer or solicitation for any transaction involving any securities of Cantillana.
5. Applicable law and competent court
All parts of this website are governed by Belgian law. Only the Courts and Tribunals of the judicial district of Brussels will have jurisdiction to settle any dispute concerning this website, its content, the information contained on this website, the websites or web pages linked to this website, and the use that visitors or any third party make of this website.