Preparation of the substrate
Good preparation prevents the surface from drying out too quickly and ensures optimal adhesion.
Strasser’plus Refuga
Good preparation prevents the surface from drying out too quickly and ensures optimal adhesion.
Field of Application
The pavement surface must be sprinkled lightly before and during the jointing. It can safely be used for the describred sector including the food and drinking water sector.
Strasser Refuga is used in the jointing of natural pavement, concrete slabs, cobblestone materials etc., as a surface retarder and prevents a too fast burning out of the jointing materials on the stone surface.
1 litre of Strasser Refuga batching concentrate (for approx. 6-15 m²)
Technical data
organic acids
Mixing ratio:
Strasser Refuga batching concentrate 1 : 9 mix with water
Processing temperature:
+5°C to +25°C surface temperature